Zucchini and Bacon Slice

Zucchini and Bacon Slice

We love this zucchini and bacon slice in our family and I love even more because my fussy little green avoiding eaters will actually eat it. It’s the perfect dish to make and keep in the fridge so that you can grab a slice whenever you like. It never lasts longer than 3 days in our house.

Pack a slice in the work or school lunchbox, eat as an easy and nutritious breakfast on the run or enjoy warm for dinner. It really is a versatile little slice.


3 Medium Zucchini’s, grated
2 Medium Carrots, grated
1 Onion, grated
1 Cup Tasty Cheese, grated
5 Eggs
200gm D’Orsogna Streaky Bacon, sliced
1/2 Cup Plain Flour
Salt and Pepper to taste

Zucchini and Bacon Slice


1. I find that using a food processor to grate the ingredients makes it a lot quicker and easier. Grate the vegetables first and then squeeze out all excess liquid. This is important to make sure your slice doesn’t turn out mussy. Once you have squeezed out the liquid place into a large bowl.

Zucchini and Bacon Slice
2. Add the sliced bacon, flour, cheese and salt and pepper if using. Mix well to coat all the ingredients.

Zucchini and Bacon Slice Zucchini and Bacon Slice
3. Whisk the eggs in a jug and pour into the bowl. Mix well to combine.

Zucchini and Bacon Slice
4. Place into a lined square (20cm x 20cm) baking dish and bake in a 160 degree celcius oven for 50 minute. Or until it is golden and it is mostly firm to touch.

Zucchini and Bacon Slice

Enjoy warm or allow to cool.

Store in the fridge in an air tight container for up to 5 days.
I don’t like to freeze this recipe us it does come out a little soft and mushy. You won’t have any left to freeze anyway as everyone will devour it.

Makes 16 slices

I have used D’Orsogna Streaky Bacon in this recipe as I love the flavour and the size of the strips.  They have the perfect balance of meat and fat for this recipe.

Looking for more recipes using bacon? Find them on the D’Orsogna Website and D’Orsogna Facebook Page.

Zucchini and Bacon Slice

This is a sponsored post.  Recipe, photos and opinions expressed are all my own.

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4 Responses to Zucchini and Bacon Slice

  1. Swee Bee May 20, 2015 at 6:20 pm #

    The recipe I use also has 80g olive oil. The result is a slice that is a bit quiche like. But it’s tasty.

  2. Nicole June 5, 2017 at 4:16 pm #

    I have made a similar slice (but with corn) for years. I always freeze it in slices, then reheat it on the BBQ for a lovely flame grilled twist

  3. Natalie April 13, 2019 at 8:15 pm #

    Thank you so much for this incredible recipe. We are a family of 3 adults and a toddler. Easily fed the four of us picky eaters with left overs. Everything was so easy and simple and even budget friendly. Thanks again.

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