Wheaty Biscuits

Wheaty Biscuits

This week we attended the parent information night for my eldest son to start Prep.  It’s crazy scary to think my once tiny baby will be off to big  boy school.  I am crazy scared about the new  chapter in our lives: school drop off/pick up, school car park, packed lunches, homework and all the extras that come along with being at school.  Mr 5 on the other hand is very excited that he will make new friends and “get a break from his little brother” as he likes to put it.

Moving on, my thoughts have turned (already) to packing him a balanced morning tea and lunch.  I made these Wheaty Biscuits last week as an experiment with the leftover wheat germ I had from the Kid Friendly Carrot Cake recipe I had made in previous weeks.  They turned out perfectly.

You have to use the Wheat Germ in this recipe – don’t substitute it with wholemeal flour etc as the recipe won’t be the same.  The wheat germ packs this biscuit full of nutrients including Vitamin E, folate (folic acid), phosphorus, thiamin, zinc, and magnesium and fiber. It also gives them a great taste and texture.


1 1/2 Cups Wheat Germ (this needs to be stored in the fridge after you open the packet)
1 Cup Plain Flour
1/2 Cup Raw Sugar
1/2 Tsp Baking Powder (optional: if you leave it out you get a crunchier biscuit, if you use it you get a softer biscuit)
50gm Butter, melted
4 Tbs Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Milk


1. In a medium bowl add the wheat germ, flour, baking powder (if using) and raw sugar.  Mix well to combine.

2. In a jug combine the melted butter, olive oil and milk.  Add to the dry ingredients mixing until all the ingredients come together.

3.  Place the dough onto a piece of cling wrap and shape into a log.  Roll the cling wrap up and tighten the ends to form the log.  Place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to harden.

Wheaty Biscuits

4. Unwrap the dough and using a sharp knife cut 1cm thick biscuits from the log.  Place onto a lined baking tray and bake in a 180 degree celcius oven for 15 minutes or until lightly golden.  Allow to cool on a wire rack.

Wheaty Biscuits

Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Tip: Why not try tipping half a biscuit into melted chocolate.

Wheaty Biscuits

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