Weekly Meal PLan #7

Here is another account of how our week flowed at CFBM HQ.  This is my meal plan from the previous week.  I like to post it to show the meals we enjoy on a regular basis and also show you that things don’t always go to plan (like this week).  If I have had a meal where I have a recipe to share I will link it up.  Otherwise I will be a recipe coming soon or one that doesn’t really need a recipe like (meat and three vege).


Sunday I woke feeling terrible, I had a 24 hour bug and didn’t want to eat a thing (nor did I have any wantingness to cook).  I made the boys Pita Bread Pizza which is always a winner and no fuss.


After making through the work day I actually felt like dinner.  We had Meat and Four Vege which was Rump Steak cooked on the BBQ, mashed potato, carrots, snow peas, corn and gravy.


We cooked another Lamb Roast on the Weber Family Q.

Roast Lamb


A work day so the leftover roast lamb got a makeover.  I turned it into pulled lamb by simply cutting the leftover already cooked meat of the lamb leg, placing into a heavy pot with a little bit of water and Greek Seasoning Mix.  Placed the lid on and let it heat up over a medium heat.  The lamb was lushesly soft and tasty.

We had this on wraps with salad.


Rump Steak with Oven Baked Wedges and salad.

Oven Baked Wedges

How to make the best Oven Baked Wedges:

Wash and peel potatoes (I use the unwashed ones as they come out the best)
Cut into wedges
Drizzle with olive oil
Sprinkle with Salt and Pepper
Bake in a 200 degree celcius oven for 30 minutes or until golden and crunchy.
When they come out sprinkle with dry rosemary and extra salt if you like.


Chicken, Vege, Noodle Stir Fry

Stir Fry


Night Off! aka I went out with the girls for the first time in like 5 years!!!


What was your favourite meal this week?

Have you tried anything new?


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2 Responses to Weekly Meal PLan #7

  1. Michelle October 19, 2014 at 8:45 pm #

    Just wanting to share
    Lamb & apple curry
    Left of lamb chopped up grated apple cut some carrots
    Curry powder & packets of brown onion gravy add some water & can throw in the oven or stove top serve with rice
    Winner in our home

    • Amanda October 20, 2014 at 1:05 pm #

      Sounds delicious Michelle. Thanks for sharing.

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