I thought it would be handy if I share each week (if time permits) what we ate for our dinner meals in the previous week. You can use this to give you some ideas for your weekly meals. It would also be great if you could take a couple of minutes and share in the comments what you ate in the previous week, this will give the Cooking For Busy Mums Community a great starting point for planning dinners for the coming week.
You can also share you weeks meals on instagram with the #cfbmmealplan.
So this is what we ate last week for dinner.
SUNDAY: Baked Lemon Chicken Drumsticks
MONDAY: Homemade Crumbed Fresh Fish, Calamari, Baked Chips and Salad
TUESDAY: Roast Pork with roast vegetables and apple sauce and gravy. – I picked up a boneless cut from Aldi and made sure there would be enough leftover for another meal in the week.
WEDNESDAY: Leftover roast pork fried rice – here are some other ideas to use up leftover roast
THURSDAY: Homemade Crumbed Fresh Fish, Calamari, Baked Chips and Salad – YES we had the same meal twice in the week. Why? Because hubby and the boys love fishing and we caught some lovely fresh fish earlier in the week.
FRIDAY: Baked Sausages, Potatoes and Salami (with carrots, onions and herbs) with a side of Homemade Garlic Bread – Recipe out later this week so keep an eye out for it.
SATURDAY NIGHT: It’s just the boys and I as hubby is on night shift so it will be a whatever we feel like night.
BAKING: Orange, Choc Chip and Black Chia Seed Biscuits
Every week is different so keep an eye out for next weeks meal plan.
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