Weekly Meal Plan #4

This week has been a pretty standard cooking week here.  After a few weeks of organising something other then our normal weekly meals, it was great to have a little breather. Even though it was Mr 5’s birthday on Monday and mine on Tuesday, we had done most of the celebrating on the weekend so the only extra food item made was a healthish cake for myself.

My pantry has taken a beating from the past few weeks and it has become quite unorganised and where I would normally know what I had, right now I have no idea.  So I won’t be doing a be grocery shop this week, instead I will be eating from my pantry to try and use up all those odds and ends that are over crowding it.  It’s also a great way to save a little money and make sure you use everything before it goes stale.

Ok, so this is what we ate for dinner meals last week.

MONDAY: Mr 5 requested Pizza for his birthday dinner, so the boys had Homemade Pizza and we ate Rump Steak and Crunchy Salad.

TUESDAY: It was my birthday so we had a roast.  Beef Roast on the weber q and roast vegetables in the Air Chef that I’m currently reviewing. I also cooked extra roast vegetables and mixed it with cooked quinoa for my work lunches and an upside down apple and strawberry baked custard cake (no added sugar except the icing sugar on top)

Roast Vegetables in Air Chef

Roast Vegetables in Air Chef

Upside down Apple and Strawberry Baked Custard Cake

Upside down Apple and Strawberry Baked Custard Cake

WEDNESDAY: Homemade Calamari, Fish, Chips and Salad – our families most favourite meal and we nearly have it every week.

THURSDAY: This was a bit of a slap together dinner, but it was basically Chicken Cacciatore with cream added.

FRIDAY: Beef and Vegetable Meatballs.  I tried these in the Air Chef and they turned out perfectly.  No added oil.

Meatballs in Air Chef

SATURDAY: I had friends over for lunch so I made a Quiche Lorraine with salad.  Dinner was just the kids and I as hubby was at work so I was a whatever we felt like dinner – aka my night off.

Quiche Lorraine

I hope you all had a lovely week.  Feel free to add your meal plan in the comments.

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