I made these a few Christmases ago now and can’t recall where I got the inspiration from but all I know is they are absolutely scrumptious.
The kids will love them as well and are perfect for end of school break up parties or to box up as a gift.
1 Home brand fruit cake they are normally a couple of dollars from Coles or Woolworth’s.
250 grams Eating chocolate, melted
Melted white chocolate to decorate
1. Simply crunch the fruit cake into a large bowl until all the larger chunks are broken into small pieces.
2. Pour in the melted chocolate and mix well to combine.
3. Take tablespoon amounts of the mixture and roll into balls. Place onto a small patty pan. Repeat until all the mixture is used.
4. Place in the fridge to set.
5. To decorate: melt white chocolate and drizzle over the top. To get the green and red, take smaller amounts of melted white chocolate in separate bowls and add a few drops of food colouring. As you mix it in the white chocolate will start to seize and become pliable allowing you to shape into little red balls and green leaves.
Alternatively cut up mint leaves and use mini mm’s to decorate.
Keep refrigerated at all times, only brining out to serve and eat as they will melt in our lovely Summer weather.
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