My Top 5 Kitchen Items $5 or Under from Kmart

My Top 5 Kitchen Items $5 or Under from Kmart

Hands up if you are a Kmart fan? I’m putting two hands up.  Kmart is ridiculously good for everything these days and their kitchen storage and gizmos don’t disappoint either.  These are my top five items that I use in my kitchen that make life just a little bit easier.

Note: this is NOT a sponsored post I’m just sharing what I love.

1. Pull out Storage – $5

These fit the depth of my pantry perfectly.  The back has wheels so they are easy to pull out from high shelves and then put back again.  I have all my baking items in four of these along the very top of my pantry.  On bake day I just pull them all out and then put away when finished.

My Top 5 Kitchen Items $5 or Under from Kmart

2. Grid Trivet – $5

I bought one and loved it so much I went back and bought another.  These trivets not only look good they are super functional.  When taking dishes out of the oven or off the stove these trivets give you that extra space on the bench that you can place hot items on without damaging your bench.

My Top 5 Kitchen Items $5 or Under from Kmart

3. Wire Spice Rack – $4

I lined the small pantry in my previous home with these and really missed them when I moved, so you guessed it the new pantry is lined with these as well.  They hold spices, food colouring and flavours as well as baking powder, gelatine etc.  It makes find small bottles super easy.

My Top 5 Kitchen Items $5 or Under from Kmart

4. Bag Clips – pack of 30 – $1.50

No more placing open packets into plastic bags to seal up.  Simply clip one of these on.  It makes it easy to open and close packets and they work in the pantry, fridge and freezer.

My Top 5 Kitchen Items $5 or Under from Kmart

5. Pantry Basket – $1.50 each

I have four of these on the shelf that is at the height of my children.  In here I store sandwich toppings and snacks that they are allowed to grab.  Being plastic it means that it is ok if little hands slip and pull one out.  The colours are cute too.

My Top 5 Kitchen Items $5 or Under from Kmart

So there you have it my top five kitchen items that make the everyday a little easier.  I would love to know what your favourite kitchen items are from Kmart as I found it hard to just share five.

Here is a snippet of my pantry when I added the pull out storage to the top.

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