We are about to tick over to November and my mind is turning to easy solutions for the entertaining season. By the end of November our weekends will start to fill up with parties and reasons to have family and friends over and I love to easy solutions for filling their bellies up. These Maple […]
Tag Archives | d’orsogna

Maple Streaky Bacon Lettuce Cups

Bacon Lovers Take Note….Maple Streaky Bacon is a thing!
If you are a bacon lover than I have some big news for you!! Maple Streaky Bacon is a thing and it is in Woolworths now!!! D’Orsogna have just released their first flavoured streaky bacon into Woolworths and it is all kinds of AMAZING! Maple Streaky Bacon will change your life – was one of […]

Crunchy Salami, Penne Pasta and Poor Man’s Parmesan
We all have those nights where we think I really don’t feel like cooking tonight but know that it is better to make something at home then spend a fortune on takeaway. So on those kinda nights I look for meals that are super easy to make and have minimal ingredients. This crunchy salami, penne […]

Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake
On a Sunday we love to roast a cut of meat and it is usually chicken as we all enjoy it. This week I decided to do something a little different with the chicken. I cut the chicken down into pieces (legs, wings, things and breast) and used a favourite – D’Orsogna Deli Fresh Mild […]

How to cook your side dish inside your roast chicken
Let me show you how easy it is to cook your side dish inside your roast chicken. On the weekend I had a memory about a shop that used to be, I think it was called Drunken Chicken and they used to cook the side dish inside of the chicken. It got me thinking as […]

One Pot Double Smoked Ham and Penne Pasta
One pot dinners are my mid week savior. You literally throw all your ingredients in walk away and come back about 20 minutes later and it’s done. If I am being super organised I will also cut the ingredients up in the morning before I leave for work so it is a matter of just […]

Roasted Vegetable and Bacon Quiche
For the month of August I am going to bump up my breakfast recipes as that is one area where we always end up eating the same thing being it toast or cereal. I really want to boost our vegetable intake in the mornings and also eat meals that will keep up fuller for longer. […]

Slow Cooker Chorizo Minestrone Soup
This chorizo minestrone soup is so full of flavour you’ll be coming back for seconds. I have used D’Orsogna Mild Spanish Chorizo Salami to add a bucket load of flavour to what is normally a rather plain soup. As the chorizo cooks it unleashes all of its full flavour into the soup making for one […]

Bacon, Sweet Potato and Halloumi Frittata
I love frittata’s because I don’t have to fuss around with pastry, when it cooks it forms its own crust like texture on the outside. I had some leftover D’Orsogna 100% Natural shortcut bacon in the fridge along with some halloumi that we only ate a little of during the week and diced to whip […]