Summer Fruit Crumble

Summer Fruit Crumble

On Sunday I clean out the fridge for the week as I get my fruit and vegetable delivery on a Tuesday.  I like to make sure everything has been eaten or used in my baking so I start with a nearly empty fruit and vegetable draw.

This week I had a little bit leftover, mainly summer fruits and pears that were to squishy to eat.  So I decided to dice them all up and turn them into a crumble.  It was AMAZING and so easy.  I could totally eat it for breakfast with yoghurt on top or for dessert with cream.


A mixture of fruits.  I used 4 pears, 3 plums, 1 cup grapes, 1 passionfruit – all diced and deseeded.

1 1/2 Cups Oats

100gm Butter, melted

1/4 Cup Sugar


1. Place the fruits into a 20cm x 20cm oven proof dish.

2. In a bowl mix together the oats, sugar and melted butter.  Spoon over the fruit mix.

3. Place into a pre-heated 180 degree Celsius oven and bake for 30 minutes or until you can see the fruit bubbling.  Allow to cool slightly before serving.

Enjoy with yoghurt, cream or ice cream.

Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Summer Fruit Crumble Summer Fruit Crumble Summer Fruit Crumble

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