Slow Cooker Corned Sliverside

Slow Cooker Corned Silverside

Corned silverside is a budget friendly meat that you can pack full of flavour. With a cut costing about $10 to feed a family of 6 it is a regular staple of many families.  It is Summer here is Australia and while roasting any meat is left for the BBQ, we shouldn’t forget the slow cooker.  The slow cooker makes a regular appearance in Winter and then is put away during the warmer months – well no more.  Dust the cobwebs off it and get it on your bench this Summer.

The slow cooker doesn’t produce any extra heat in the kitchen so it is a perfect way for cooking in Summer.  We also tend to eat later in Summer so it’s a great way to keep meals warm until you are ready to eat – and you can enjoy the outdoors.

Slow cooker corned sliverside is nice and easy and you can serve it up with coleslaw, a leafy salad, potato salad you name.  You don’t have to stick to the traditional roast vegetables and white sauce.


1 Cut of Corned Silverside
2 Tbs Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup White Wine Vinegar (I recommend this vinegar as it is milder in taste compared to normal white vinegar)
250ml Water
1 Onion, peeled and sliced in half
4 Bay Leaves
6 Cloves Garlic
Sprinkling of black peppercorns


1. Place all the ingredients except the silverside into the slow cooker and give them a stir to combine.

2. Place the unwrapped corned silverside into the slow cooker and set on low for 8 hours to cook.

Slow Cooker Corned Sliverside

3. After 8 hours it will be ready, it won’t look appealing on the outside.  Discard of all the liquid, bay leaves, peppercorns.  You can eat the onion and garlic if you wish.

Slow Cooker Corned Sliverside

4. Place the silverside on a place and wrap with aluminum foil and leave to sit for 10 minutes before slicing.

I love the colour of the corned silverside, we have nicknamed it pink meat in our house and the boys love it.

Slow Cooker Corned Sliverside

Slow Cooker Corned Sliverside

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9 Responses to Slow Cooker Corned Silverside

  1. Dianne April 30, 2016 at 4:31 pm #

    Silverside ot Sliverside. Does it come out tender enough?

    • Amanda May 9, 2016 at 7:54 am #

      Sorry for the type – it’s silverside of course and yes it melts in your mouth.

  2. Anne July 17, 2016 at 4:13 pm #

    A twist on this recipe if you don’t mind. I put a layer of small potatoes in the base of the slow cooker and then pop the silverside on top. I add no liquid. Then cook for 8 hours or longer if I can. The silverside totally changes flavour, almost to that of ham. It is so good, hubby won’t let me cook it in liquid anymore. Is a staple in this house and every plate is always polished.

  3. Michelle January 6, 2018 at 12:27 pm #

    Hello I like washed potatoes n cobs of corns with my silverside.If I cook for 8hrs.When do I put potatoes n corn in.At the begining they would b over cooked.Also would 4 hrs set on cooking b enought to get it tender.Thanks.

  4. robert bradshaw May 7, 2018 at 4:42 pm #

    I cook Silverside in Apple Cider(non alcoholic)fizzy! with Cloves and bay leaf.
    Great Taste !

    • Amanda May 14, 2018 at 9:14 am #

      That sounds delicious.

  5. Jennifer May 14, 2019 at 9:53 am #

    Hi Amanda. You quote to place unwrapped silverside in the slow cooker Is that correct?

    • Amanda May 20, 2019 at 10:41 am #

      HI Jennifer, unwrapped as in take it out of the packaging you bought it in.

  6. Caryn August 25, 2019 at 5:02 pm #

    I pour a 1.25 litre bottle of ginger ale over mine when I first put it in the slow cooker and it is absolutely delicious!

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