Simple Slow Cooked Blade Beef Roast

Slow cooking is so simple, pop your favourite meat into the slow cooker at the start of the day and enjoy luscious meat in the evening.

This is more of a quick time guide rather then a recipe for slow cooking beef blade roast as you can add your own flavourings and change your start and end times to suit your family. 
I just wanted to show you how simple it really is.
9 AM – Remove any excess fat from the outside of the blade roast. Pierce the meat in several places and add whole garlic cloves. Brown the meat in a pan or in my case my slow cooker also Sautes.
9.15 AM – Place the roast into the slow cooker (or leave in there if your appliance also Sautes) 

Add 2 Cups Stock either beef or chicken, along with a sliced onion, salt and pepper.
9.20 AM – Set to slow cook on low for 8-9 hours
4.00 PM – Think about a side dish I served mine with a Baked Savoury Potato Pie.
5.00 PM – To create a gravy from the liquid either add some corn flour that you have formed a paste with a little water or some gravy powder (the same way form a paste first) then stir into the liquid in the slow cooker.
6.00 PM – Slice your meat (it should fall apart) and serve with side dish of choice.
6.10 PM – Enjoy Dinner
I served mine with a Baked Savoury Potato Cake and some uncooked snow peas.

Perfect for lunch the next day.
Serves 4 – 6 based on 1-1.5kg roast
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3 Responses to Simple Slow Cooked Blade Beef Roast

  1. Anne M July 3, 2013 at 8:53 pm #

    I love a beef roast Amanda. Must try it in the slow cooker.

    Anne xx

  2. Michael Carter October 16, 2018 at 8:42 pm #

    We got it, did not know what to do with it, recipes from this side of the pond seemed to attack the meat with everything short of Drano!

    This is a simple and easy recipe, trying it now, many thanks!

    • Amanda October 22, 2018 at 11:41 am #

      So glad to hear 🙂

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