We love a good Mexican meal in our house and these Beef and Bean Enchiladas were a welcomed change from our normal favourites. Using premium beef mince, kidney beans (which I told Mr 9 they were Mexican jumping beans when he questioned what they were haha) and the inclusion of grated carrot and zucchini which […]
Search results for "salad"

Beef and Bean Enchiladas

Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Tenders
A no fuss, no mess dinner prepped in minutes and then straight into the oven, easy peasy. These Prosciutto wrapped chicken tenders are juicy and packed full of flavour. The chicken tenderloins are rolled in sundried tomato pesto before they are easily wrapped in D’Orsogna Prosciutto which locks in the moisture and adds just the […]

Beef, Bacon and Vegetable Sausage Rolls
Ramp up your sausage roll repertoire with these super tasty Beef and Bacon Sausage Rolls. The addition of D’Orsogna Streaky Bacon lifts these sausage rolls to the next level. Pack filled with flavour and vegetables these sausage rolls are the kind you don’t mind the family eating for dinner. I use premium beef mince for […]

Curried Tuna Mornay
I always have a can of tuna in the cupboard, it’s a great emergency item to have in the pantry for when you need a quick and frugal dinner or lunch. I have added vegetables and curry powder to this version to give it a boost of flavour and goodness. I opted to leave the […]

Beef and Bacon Lasagna
On a Monday I love to make a big dish of something that I know we can eat for a couple of meals during the week, and one of my favourite dishes to make is lasagna. This beef and bacon version is so full of flavour it will leave you craving for more. I have […]

Chicken Cordon Bleu Lasagna
This Chicken Cordon Bleu Lasagna is absolutely delicious. It is filling, tasty and best of all there will be leftovers. I am using D’Orsogna’s new ham flavour Jarrah Honey to bring out the flavour even more in this meal. The white sauce in this lasagna is something else, it is thick and creamy and super […]

BBQ Chicken Skewers
This easy little marinade will make delicious chicken skewers that are perfect for cooking on the BBQ. Making these skewers your self is well under half the price you will pay to buy them already made in the supermarket. They are super easy, super tasty and the kids loved them (which is the most important […]

Chicken, Cauliflower, Corn and Feta Fritters
Fritters are always my saviour when a. I don’t know what to feed the family, b. when I want and easy meal, c. when I have bits and pieces in the fridge to use up. Going through the fridge this morning trying to figure out what are we going to eat for the next three […]

Beef Bolognese Casserole with Parmesan Dumplings
I really love it when a brand listens to us as parents and brings us new more natural products where you can actually understand what the ingredients are on the packet. Continental have done just that! They have created a brand new range called Naturally Tasty which is full of natural ingredients such as herbs, […]