I have only used home delivery for my groceries once and that was the week that my first son was born, it was from a large supermarket chain and I can clearly remember that the meat we received wasn’t that crash hot. Ever since then I haven’t placed another home delivery order from any grocery […]
Search results for "salad"

Baked Savoury Potato Cake
Sometimes you just don’t feel like mashed or normal baked potatoes with a roast. I know I felt like that last weekend when I slow cooked a blade roast beef. I didn’t cook any vegetables with the meat in the slow cooker as I wanted something with a bit of texture on the side to […]

Filled Plait Bread
Do you love making your own bread and like to experiment with different ways to make yummy homemade bread? Have you never made bread before because all just seemed a little daunting? Do you love the filled breads you get from the like of Bakers Delight and want to make your own? Well if you […]

Easy Turkey & Vege Sausage Rolls
Who said a sausage roll only has to made with beef? This recipe breaks the rules and uses lean tasty Turkey Mince with my secret ingredient to make sure they are moist and sweet. Both the boys loved these sausage rolls and I was happy that they did, with hidden vegetables it makes a great […]

Sweet Potato Rice “Toddler Friendly”
Do you have a go to meal that you like to cook when you don’t feel like battling dinner with the littlies? After a long day or when I know the boys are overtired and are generally not willing to cooperate I turn to my Sweet Potato Rice dish or as the boys call it […]

Cooking with 4 Ingredients and Gourmet Garden
Today was the first day of my cook off trip with Gourmet Garden Herbs & Spices. We are staying in Noosa and enjoying all that is great in this region. Our expedition today was to […]

Does the word ‘birthday party’ or when hubby says let’s have some friends ‘over for a BBQ’ sound alarm bells in your head that immediately leads to the 100’s of thoughts about – what will I serve, how do I know if I will have enough food, what will the kids eat, how long should […]

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY – Disposable Paper Servingware, plus Sweet & Salty Popcorn Recipe
When I had the chance to review this product I was super excited as I new that the Kindy Easter Day was coming up which meant bring a plate of food. Usually I would cram some cupcakes on a normal disposable plastic plate and hope for the best (plate bends, cling wrap doesn’t stick etc). […]

These are a real crowd pleaser. They are easy to prepare with the help of the food processor and even quicker to be demolished of the plate. I made mini patties for my boys and they loved them, hubby even said this is a winner. INGREDIENTS 500gm Chicken Mince1 Zucchini, peeled and grated1/2 Red Capsicum, […]