Review: Weber® Family Q Takes the Heat Out of the Kitchen

As a family we love barbecuing, when the weather gets warmer we can be known to use the BBQ nearly every night instead of cooking in the kitchen.

For years we have used our $99 BBQ that we picked up on sale. It served its purpose but became a gas guzzler, began to take along time to just cook a piece of steak, didn’t have a roasting lid and really didn’t suit what we wanted from our BBQ.
We had been looking at BBQ’s for months but never really happy with any of them and then we remembered we had cooked on a Weber Baby Q while on holidays a few years ago and how much we enjoyed cooking on it. That is when we decided a Weber Family Q which is larger than the Baby Q is was what we needed.
What We Love About The Weber Family Q
1. Easy to assemble
2. Great Gas efficiency about 40 BBQ’s from a 9kg gas bottle

3. Slim design taking up less patio space, the sides even fold down when storing for long periods.
4. We can BBQ, roast, bake, cook pizza in it
5. Easy to clean and maintain
6. Cooks a steak in around 10 minutes a roast with vegetables in about 2 hours.
7. Easy to use even I want to use it to cook. No more roasts heating up the kitchen in summer, no more oil splatters and smoke in the kitchen from cooking sausages or burgers.
If you are looking to buy a BBQ or upgrade this Christmas I highly recommend you check out the Weber Family Q. It has been a welcomed addition to the family. Click here for all the details.
Here is a photo gallery of all the things we have cooked so far in the Weber Family Q. I’m hoping Santa brings us the Pizza Stone so we start making our Pizza’s on it.
Roast Pork Leg and Vegetables
Roast Chicken & Vegetables
Cranberry & Almond Stuffed Pork
Rolled Pork Loin with Crackling and Vegetables
Asian Style Pork Collar But
Marinated Chicken Drumsticks
Sweet Potato & Potato Bake

Disclaimer: I purchased the Weber Family Q at a discounted price in return for providing my thoughts about it on this blog. All opinions expressed and food images are my own.

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