Red Papaya Fruit Salad Boat

I have been challenged by Papaya Australia to get creative with Papaya and make it a versatile fruit for the family table.  This is my first recipe.

Do you sometimes find it hard to get fruit into the family during the cooler weather? This Red Papaya Fruit Salad Boat should do the trick. The Red Papaya shapes lends it self perfectly to form the boat and filling it with bright seasonal fruit and papaya will see your littlies running to the table (mine did).

Papaya is packed full of vitamins and minerals making it a perfect fruit to enjoy during winter when you need that extract boost to fight off those colds and runny noses.


1/2 Red Papaya, seeds removed
5 Strawberries, cut in half
1 Kiwi Frui, peeled and quartered
Green Grapes
1 Red Apple, cored and diced
Wooden Skewer


1. Take the red papaya remove the seeds and with a melon baller, ball out most of the flesh. Cut a small section off the bottom so that it’s flat.

photo 1

Red Papaya Fruit Salad Boat
2. Simply start filling the red papaya boat with the cut up fruits.

Red Papaya Fruit Salad Boat
3. Thread through some grapes and then half a strawberry on top of the skewer to form the mast and sail. Pierce through the fruit salad so it stands up.

Red Papaya Fruit Salad Boat
4. Add a dollop of your favourite yoghurt.

Red Papaya Fruit Salad Boat

Call the family to the table to enjoy for afternoon tea or dessert.


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