One thing I love about getting a weekly box of fruit and vegetables delivered is that there are lots of choices I wouldn’t just normally buy. This week I had beetroots and purple carrots which led to this super easy, deliciously sweet and fantastically healthy Raw Beetroot Salad.
The quantities make a huge amount which can be enjoyed as a side dish over several meals and is great for a work lunch with a can of tuna.
4 Beetroots, peeled
1 Purple Carrot, peeled
1 Organge Carrot, peeled
2 Apples, deseeded (red or green)
Handful of chopped fresh parsley
1. In a food processor with the sharp blade process individually beetroot, orange carrot, purple carrot, apple and then mix together in a large bowl with some finely chopped parsley, fresh, sweet and healthy.
Store in the fridge in a airtight container, preferably glass as the beetroot and purple carrot could stain plastic containers.
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