I have been lucky enough to test out Method’s new odor-eliminating kitchen handwash. These are available exclusively to to Method’s online store – you can find them here –

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When I cut up the likes of onion and garlic and seafood I am left of the memory of my cooking well into the night (not something I enjoyed). Now Method have come to the rescue with these great fragrances that are strong enough to knock out those nasty smells. I tell you there is nothing fishy about this handwash – haha couldn’t help myself with the ‘fishy’ line.

A small amount a size smaller than a 5 cent piece will do the trick. You get a great lather and on top of that a lovely fragrance of either LEMONGRASS – CITRONNELLE or CLEMENTINE – which is orange.

You can’t but help yourself to smelling your hands after you use it. Your hands are left feeling soft, ‘clean’ and fresh.

Soaps aggravate my hands but I haven’t had any problems since use this handwash which is an absolute bonus.

At $7.99 for a 532ml bottle it is great value. I have been using it for 2 weeks and only used about 2 centimetres, and that’s measuring from the narrow top section.

I also love Methods philosophy of ” it says that it’s ok to use high-tech materials, products, and gadgets that make our lives better, we just need to design products so those materials can be infinitely reused. at method, we call that reincarnation. we want every product to have a past and a future. like bottles made from old bottles, and non-toxic cleaners that biodegrade instead of toxic chemicals that don’t.”

What’s in it:

ingredient what it is health + environmental summary
water diluent deionized for purity; extracted from abundant source.
sodium lauryl sulfate surfactant (cleaning agent) low skin irritation in use and non toxic; readily biodegradable; derived from coconut oil
cocamide dea surfactant (cleaning agent) low skin irritation and non toxic, tested to confirm no nitrosamine formation; readily biodegradable; derived from coconut oil
cocamidopropyl betaine surfactant (cleaning agent) low skin irritation in use and non toxic; readily biodegradable; derived from coconut oil
fragrance oil blend fragrance free of phthalates, npes and other dirty ingredients; non toxic in use, free of carcinogens and tested for skin irritation and allergies; blended composition is partly essential oils and partly synthetic ingredients
sodium chloride salt table salt – safe for people (unless too much is eaten on potato chips); widely available and safe in the environment
methylisothiazolinone + methylchloroisothiazolinone preservative safe for people (low skin + eye irritation); inherently biodegradable; made from synthetic materials
fatty acid amine complex odor absorber non toxic in use and not irritating; blend of synthetic materials and plant-based fatty acid
aloe vera gel moisturizer safe for contact + moisturizing to skin; biodegrades readily; sourced from natural aloe plants
glycerin moisturizer non toxic for people and no skin irritation; readily biodegradable; derived from plant sources

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