Product Review: Magnetic Weekly Meal Planner

Product Review: Magnetic Weekly Meal Planner

I believe deep down inside of us all is a little part where we like to know everything is organised and planned for the week ahead, now when I say deep down I mean we used to be all organised and on top of things and then kids came along and we had to let go of that bit of order in our lives and learn to go with the flow of the daily mayhem.

I absolutely love it when mummas put their ideas into action and create super awesome products that make our lives easier and just that tad more organised.  Shira mum to 3 and owner and creator of Studio Ishi is one of those clever mummas that has created a range of products that every busy mum needs.

Included in her range is a magnetic weekly planner and a super clever school memories folder.  I got to get hands on with both of these products.

The magnetic weekly planner is “huge” in planner standards, it nearly covers the width of my fridge.  I had currently been using a paper system for planning my week and meals (that don’t always go to plan) which means it does run out and I have to go any buy another when it does.  This magnetic planner means I can simply wipe each week and use again.  It is big enough to write your meals for the week, any appointments, parties, important reminders for school and so on.  My white board marker I found in my draw was a bit chunky to write with so I have added a new one to my list when I hit the shops at the end of the week.

You can get your own here.

Other products in the Studio Ishi range include – Keepi – School Memories Folder.

Store your child’s school memories safely with this beautifully designed folder, Keepi.
Its purpose is to preserve all those valuable bits and pieces collected through the year:
notes, cards, awards, reports and more.

One folder for each year, the precious treasures will stay organised, clean and tidy!

Keepi’s 7 different pockets will help you to keep all the memories

Keepi is made from cardboard and has a thick cover with an elastic ribbon for an easy close.
Its size is 27 x 32 x 3 cm, and has 7 pages with pockets for different purposes.
On the spine you’ll find space to write the name and the year with a permanent marker.

Get your own here.

Studio Ishi School Memories Folder Keepi

There is also a video clip about the Keepi:

This is a sponsored Post for Studio Ishi.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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