Meal Plan Monday #7

When I did this week’s meal plan, I was really excited about what we were going to eat for the week ahead.  I haven’t made Lasagna in such a long time so I was a little excited that I would be making it.  I will make a large one so I will have leftovers to take for lunch with a salad.

MONDAY –Beef Lasagna

TUESDAYSlow Cooker Beef Cheeks

WEDNESDAY – Fish, Chips and Salad –  I crumbed fresh snapper fillets I purchased from Woolworths.  Two large fillets were about $16 and I cut them up into finger sized pieces which gave me a bout 20 pieces.  I pre-crumbed them last Friday and placed them in the freezer.  I will pull them out on Tuesday night to defrost in the fridge during the day so they are ready to cook when I get home from work.

THURSDAY – The Lasagna and Slow Cooked Beef will provide enough leftovers to be able to eat them tonight.


SATURDAY – Night off

SUNDAYRoast Chicken – 99% of Sundays we have a roast chicken.  I cook a super large one or two small ones in the BBQ during the afternoon.  I then have enough chicken leftover to make sandwiches for my husbands lunches.

Meal Plan Monday #7

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