Meal Plan Monday #4

Meal Plan Monday #4

This week’s plan is ready.  Reminder that my weeks run from Friday to Thursday even though I write them up Monday to Sunday.

This week’s dinners were based around what meats were on special.  Chicken was $3 a kg and I bought bulk mince so I could cook two dinners on consecutive nights.  Lamb Chops were also on special.  I used frozen broccoli and cauliflower as it is much cheaper then fresh at the moment due to the unfortunate weather in North Queensland in previous weeks.

View previous weeks meal plans here.

MONDAY – Roast Chicken and Vegetables from Sunday night.

TUESDAY Taco Tuesday

WEDNESDAYMeatballs and Pasta

THURSDAY – Leftovers

FRIDAY – Takeaway – Night off!

SATURDAY – Grilled Chicken Burgers

SUNDAY – BBQ Lamb Chops, Broccoli and Cauliflower Gratin, Mashed Potato

Meal Plan Monday #4



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