Meal Plan Monday #3

Meal Plan Monday #3

It’s that time of week to share my weekly meal plan.  My week runs from Friday to Monday even though I have it as Monday to Sunday.

This week was a return of some favourites as I was all out of being creative this week hahaha.

MONDAY – Chicken Schnitzel with Mashed Potato, Vegetables and Gravy (I cooked extra potato and vegetables with Sunday nights roast chicken so all I have to do tonight is crumb the chicken breasts.  I will crumb a whole packet so then I will have another meal in the freezer ready for a few weeks time.)

TUESDAY – Spaghetti Bolognese – I load my meat sauce up with vegetables which makes 500gm of mince go a long way.  I am going to use penne this time and we will have enough to have leftovers on Thursday night.

WEDNESDAY – Chinese Pork, Noodle and Vegetable Stir Fry – this is quick easy, tasty and well balanced.  It will also make enough for leftovers on Thursday night.

THURSDAY – Leftovers – favourite night everyone can have there favourite meal from the week.

FRIDAY – BBQ – Pork Chops with Salad and oven fries.  The kids also have sweet potato dip with crackers, cheese and grapes.

SATURDAY – BBQ – Steak and salad for the adults and the kids had Chicken Chippies, Sweet Potato Dip, Crackers, Cheese and Grapes

SUNDAY – Roast Chicken with Mashed Potato, Vegetables and Gravy.

Frost Bite Schnitzels

Bolognese Sauce Pizza with a Yoghurt Bread BaseChinese Pork and Ramen Noodle Stir Fry

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