Meal Plan Monday #21

Meal Plan Monday #21

We are back from a week away and I am feeling recharged and ready to tackle term 4 of the school year.  The last half of the year is always the busiest making the break well needed.  I always love getting my meal plan ready after being away or the school holidays, it’s like hitting the reset button, it makes everything feel right again.

There is one meal that I always cook after a holiday and that is Spaghetti Bolognese. I load it up with vegetables and good quality mince and it brings me contentment in knowing we are eating something wholesome.

MONDAY – Spaghetti Bolognese

TUESDAY – Cheats Butter Chicken

WEDNESDAY – Bangers and Mash with Vegetables

THURSDAY – Leftovers

FRIDAY – Grilled Chicken with Salad

SATURDAY – BBQ Pork Loin Chops with salad, frittata and Zucchini Mac n Cheese

SUNDAY – Butterfly Lemon Chicken with oven baked potato wedges and salad.

Meal Plan Monday #21

To make this I simply cut through the back bone of a whole chicken and press to spread out. Place a lemon cut in half under the chicken and sprinkle on lemon pepper seasoning.  Add 1 cup of water and bake in the oven at 180 degree Celsius for 2 hours.  The lemon flavour will spread through the chicken as it baked.  Once cooked, remove from the oven and cover with aluminum foil and allow to rest for 30 minutes before serving.  This will increase the flavour and succulentness of the chicken meat.

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