Meal Plan Monday #14

On Sunday I cleaned out my pantry, such a dreaded task but you feel so much better when it is done.  It wasn’t too bad but there were just a few things that I never used that had expired (mostly spices that were in a container) and then I resorted everything into containers to make it easier to access.

I found a packet of semolina and almond meal so I will be making a orange and semolina cake for during the week so I can start to use these up.

Here is what we are eating for dinners this week.

MONDAY – Hidden Vegetable Spaghetti Bolognese

TUESDAYChicken Parmigiana, Chips and Salad


THURSDAY – Leftovers

FRIDAY – Takeaway

SATURDAY – Chicken and Beef Kebabs with salad and zucchini mac n cheese

SUNDAYRoast Chicken with Sweet Potato Rice


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