Meal Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday #1

This year I am bringing back meal plan Monday.  After asking on Instagram about meal planning, I sensed that a lot of you would like to do it, but it can all seem a bit daunting or your don’t know where to start.

For me, it needed to become a habit.  I needed to do it every week and commit to doing otherwise I would get home from work and go, heck what are we going to have tonight and feel completely unprepared for the hungry family.

Meal planning is quite easy once you get the routine happening.  I do my grocery shopping on a Friday as this is the pay day, the boys are at school and I am home from out of the house work.  On a Thursday night I go through the fridge and sort out what needs to go in the bin (bin day is Friday), what the chickens can eat so it doesn’t end up in the bin and what we need for the new week.  I also look at the cupboard and freezer and see what needs using up and what I need to top up.  I write this on my shopping list.

My shopping list and meal plan is then completed at swimming lessons at 7.30 am on the Friday morning, before school.  I use my website to write down my dinners on the shopping list as shown here, I then add the ingredients I know I don’t have to the list.  And really that is all I do, nothing complicated.  It is done in 15 minutes.

Meal Plan Monday


Meal Plan Monday


MONDAY – Slow Cooker Satay Beef

TUESDAY – Tacos- I bought the Taco kit on special and use this as my base

WEDNESDAY – Will be doing a variation of this recipe.

THURSDAY – Beef and Vegetable Sausage Rolls


SATURDAY – BBQ Steak and Salad and Pizza

SUNDAY – Roast Chicken – I then use the leftover chicken meat to make sandwiches.


**you will note Friday and Saturday were swapped around.  Friday was super busy for all of use so we decided on takeaway then instead of Saturday so just swapped meals.


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One Response to Meal Plan Monday #1

  1. Lisa February 12, 2019 at 4:54 am #

    I am 100% on board with meal planning too!!!

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