Leg Ham and Semi Dried Tomato Cucumber Cups

Leg Ham and Semi Dried Tomato Cucumber Cups

This week I am bringing you a light and tasty entree, that is cool as a cucumber!  Leg Ham and Semi Dried Tomato Cucumber Cups are the ideal starter on a hot day.

This is the third recipe of 16 from my FREE EBOOK created with D’Orsogna.  All the recipes are easy, delicious and impressive.  The recipes include breakfast dishes, entrees, salads, mains, desserts and drinks all are quick and easy to prepare.

I will be sharing six of the recipes over the coming weeks here on the blog, and then you can download the FREE EBOOK to view the remaining 10 recipes.

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Makes 12 | Prep 10 Mins \ Cook 0 Mins

2 Cucumbers
200gm D’Orsogna Champagne Leg Ham Family Pack, diced finely
6 Semi Dried Tomatoes, diced finely
50 ml Sour Cream
1 Tbs Curry Powder
Lemon slices and garlic chives to serve


  1. Run a fork down the edge of the cucumbers. Remove the top and bottom and cut into 3cm pieces. Using a melon baller remove the inside making sure not to go through.
  2. Mix together the ham, semi dried tomatoes, sour cream and curry powder.
  3. Spoon the mix into each cucumber and top with a slice of lemon and garlic chives.

D’Orsogna 400gm Value Packs available From Woolworths Nationally

Leg Ham and Semi Dried Tomato Cucumber Cups

GRAB YOUR COPY OF THE FREE EBOOK – Entertain with Cooking For Busy Mums and D’Orsogna – 15+ Recipes for the Holiday Season. If you love it, feel free to share it with your family and friends.

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Free eBook - Entertain with Cooking For Busy Mums and D'Orsogna

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This is a Sponsored Post.  Recipe and ebook created by me (Amanda) and provided to you Free for your cooking enjoyment.

Find more recipes from D’Orsogna on Facebook and Website

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