How To Clean Your Kitchen Sink Without Harsh Chemicals

I know cleaning your kitchen sink is hardly the most exciting thing to read about. Why there are so many other things we could be doing rather the cleaning the kitchen sink, after the many hours a week we stand at it cleaning those darn dishes! This how to clean your kitchen sink without harsh chemicals guide will make your sink sparkle in no timr.

Giving our kitchen sinks a good deep clean once a week or so is not just for aesthetics, it’s also important for its hygiene.  A good clean will get rid of any built up food and nasties that may be hanging around.


You will need:

Bicarbonate Soda (for American readers I am referring to Baking Soda)

Your normal hand dishwashing detergent or a cheap one you may have for cleaning.

A scrubbing brush (the one I have used is from Ikea)

What to do:

Remove everything from your sink and surrounding bench.



Wet the sink.

Wet Sink

Wet Sink

Sprinkle with Bicarbonate Soda and add a few drops of the detergent.

Sprinkle with bicarbonate soda and add a few drops of detergent.

Sprinkle with bicarbonate soda and add a few drops of detergent.

Take the scrubbing brush and work the bicarb and detergent around the sink giving it a good scrub. Making sure to concentrate on the drain and drying section (if you have one)

Let sit for a couple of minutes and then wash off.

Polish dry with a clean tea towel or micro fiber cloth.

Clean Sink

Clean Sink

Give the surrounding bench area wipe down and the window (if you have one).

Now stand back and admire for it shall only look like this for the next minute.

Cleaning the kitchen sink without harsh chemicals

Cleaning the kitchen sink without harsh chemicals

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One Response to How To Clean Your Kitchen Sink Without Harsh Chemicals

  1. Joseph Philip August 20, 2015 at 2:44 pm #

    They also cleans showers ,sink bath tubs,spa ,and toilets even on tiles too just spent some time springlike overt night and just use warm to hot water and wipe it of with old clothes it’s so easy to use it I luv it

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