Hawaiian Stuffed Potatoes

I was some after some dinner inspiration and asked the Facebook page for some ideas for baked potatoes.

There were many variations using: mushroom, bacon, fried onions,chives, sour cream, cheese, garlic, butter, coleslaw and the list went on. This made me put my thinking cap on.
“Have I told you how much I love the Cooking For Busy Mums community, everyone is always so willing to help out with ideas and suggestions.”
I delved into my fridge and pantry and found the right ingredient combo for what I like to call Hawaiian Stuffed Potatoes, and yes you will feel stuffed too after eating them.
6 Potatoes, rinsed
150gm Ham, cubed
1 Cup Cheese, grated
3/4 Cup Sour Cream
1/2 Cup Pineapple, cubed
2 Tablespoons Parsley
1 Tablespoon minced Garlic
Salt and Pepper to taste
1. In a 200 degree celcius oven, placed the potatoes which you will need to wrap in aluminium foil splashed with a little olive oil.  No need to wrap separately I wrap the 6 altogether and placed on a tray.
2. While the potatoes are baking prepare the filling ingredients and place into a large bowl.
3. The potatoes will take approx 1 to 1.5 hours to bake.
4. Once the potatoes are soft, remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly.
5. With a sharp knife cut the top off and spoon out the potato leaving a small edge to form a case to hold the filling. Repeat for remaining potatoes.
6. Roughly mash the potato you removed with a fork and add to the bowl of filling ingredients.
7. Mix gently to combine and then spoon into the potato cases.
8. Place on a tray and top each filled potato with grated cheese.
9. Place under a grill until lightly browned.
Enjoy on their own or enjoy one with a lean cut of meat and some vegetable greens.
What are your favourite baked potato fillings?
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4 Responses to Hawaiian Stuffed Potatoes

  1. Anne @ Domesblissity May 21, 2013 at 7:05 pm #

    Yum, yum Amanda! I’m definitely trying those. I just popped on over here to get the link for your blog when I saw your recipe. (PS are you going to post the recipe for your Fish Tacos?)

    Anne xx

    • Amanda Voisey May 21, 2013 at 10:24 pm #

      Hi Anne

      I haven’t decided yet I have it all ready to go just got a lot of posts to catch up on that I put aside for the cook off. I can email you a copy if you like.

  2. Lisa (bakebikeblog) May 22, 2013 at 4:21 am #

    Very clever! I always have too many potatoes and dont know what to do with them?!

  3. Shana October 23, 2014 at 11:56 pm #

    Hey, you have actually helped me with a huge part of my health assignment at school so Thankyou!!

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