Ham and Cheese Criss Cross Cob Loaf

If your looking for a quick and impressive dish to serve while entertaining, as an afternoon snack or as an accompnaiment for a main meal then this quick and easy ham and cheese criss cross cob loaf will do the trick.

I orginally made it with a day old cob loaf as I knew putting it into the oven would give it a new lease of life, but decided to go one step further and make it into something a little special.

I can imagine myself enjoying this with a pumpkin soup – yum!


1 Cob Loaf
150 gm ham, cubed
1 Cup grated cheese


Simply cut the cob loaf into a criss cross pattern, making sure not to cut all the way through. In the gaps push in the ham and cheese and finish with an extra sprinkle of cheese.
Bake in a 180 degree celcius oven until the cheese has melted and is golden brown.

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