The kids went to bed early so I decided to whip something up while hubby cooked a piece of meat on the BBQ.

I don’t think Mr nearly 3 would eat this but Mr 16 months most likely would as he loves broccoli.


1 Large Broccoli, cut into flowerettes
6 Large Silverbeet leaves, shredded
Or 1/2 bag baby spinach leaves
2 Tbs minced garlic
Olive oil
Optional – dried garlic and onion flakes found in the herb section of your supermarket
Salt and pepper to taste
1 bundle soba noodles, cooked
Sesame seeds to garnish


1. Place the olive oil in a fry pan and heat until really hot.
2. Add the garlic and broccoli and cook stirring continually for 3 minutes.
3. Add the Silverbeet and reduce the heat to low. Keep stirring for only a minute until it wilts.
4. Add the dried garlic and onion as well as salt and pepper and toss to combine.
5. Remove from the heat. Add the prepared soba noodles ( as per packet instructions) and mix through.
6. Finish with a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

This will feed 2 as a side dish.

OPTIONAL: Add a dash of soy or sweet soy at the end.

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