Five things I do every night to keep my kitchen clean

Five things I do every night to keep my kitchen clean

This is a sponsored post for Dyson.

I spend so much time in the kitchen, and I love it; but I don’t love the clean up.  It’s the unfortunate given when cooking and feeding the family.  If you asked my Mum she would tell you I am a messy cook and she is right.  I’m the kind of person that gets in gets the food cooked and doesn’t worry about what I might drop on the floor or how much ends up on the bench.

I have tried to cook cleaner but I find that I go really slow making sure I don’t drop anything on the floor and well I would rather get the meal cooked and the “starving” children fed and then deal with the mess later.  Because of my messy cooking I have to have a great quick routine to clean the kitchen up each night.

I find that having this routine means it has become a habit like brushing my teeth and even when I don’t feel like doing it I do it because I know it will be worth it in the morning when I wake up to a clean kitchen that is ready to go for breakfast.

Here they are the five things I do every night (yes every night because I am a creature of habit or slightly OCD) to keep my kitchen clean:

1. Wash the dishes and clean the sink

Yes it is a given and I wish my dishwasher was working (add that to the 2016 list) but every night the dishes are washed and the sink is cleaned.  I also boil the jug and pour boiling hot water down the drains to free them of build up and eliminate odours and germs.  A clean clear sink is a welcome sight in the morning.

Cleaning the kitchen sink without harsh chemicals

2. Wipe and clear the benches and cutting boards

I am very much a creature of habit and everything in my tiny kitchen has a place.  Once used it is returned to the exact same place ready for next time.  Make sure the benches and cutting boards are wiped down and no food crumbs remain (you don’t want creepy crawlies having a feed overnight).

3. Wipe over the stove top, microwave and fridge door

After the dishes are completed I like to wipe over the stove top, microwave inside and front and the fridge door (especially the handle).  This keeps the most used items clean and hygienic.

4. Take out the rubbish and steralise or change the dish cloth

Get that rubbish in the bin, it’s a pet hate of mine to see a full smelly rubbish bin left inside overnight.  I also like to steralise or replace my dish cloth.  I buy the bulk pack of generic chux clothes that work out at a few cents each.  To steralise I simply place the wet dish cloth into the microwave and turn the microwave on for 1 minute, open the door and allow to cool slightly before removing.  I normally replace every third night.

5. Vacuum the floor

Every night I am vacuuming (not shuffling).  Yes I vacuum my kitchen every night.  I have owned a Dyson handstick vacuum cleaner for over 2 years and recently I was gifted the new Dyson V6 Handstick.  It makes my nightly vacuum even easier.  After picking up wet food mess with a paper towel I simply grab the Dyson from the cupboard and run over the kitchen and dining room floors then return it to the cupboard.  No cord to plug in, no dragging the vacuum around just a quick glide over the floors and I’m done.

Compared to my original Dyson, the V6 is quieter and more efficient in picking up smaller and finer foods like flour.  It actually makes vacuuming enjoyable (yes I just said that).

V6_Absolute_Cleaner_Head.ashxFive things I do every night to keep my kitchen clean

Doing these 5 simple things every night means that I never have to deal with a massive kitchen mess, it is under control after each meal and makes cooking easier and more enjoyable. What do you do every night after the family has been fed to keep on top of the kitchen cleaning?

In return for attending the Good Food & Wine Show in Brisbane to view the Dyson V6 in action I was gifted the Dyson V6 to use in my home.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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