Entertainers Individual Quiches

Entertainers Individual Quiches

I’m back in the kitchen using Mission Foods Soft & Fluffy Wraps to make quick and easy decadent meals, perfect for entertaining. Last time I made Cinnamon Sugar Coated Cream Cheese Wraps which were the perfect quick dessert.

Entertainers Individual Quiches

This time I am putting them to the test to make entertainers individual quiches that use the Soft & Fluffy Wraps instead of pastry. You get the same buttery flaky taste and texture of pastry except there is no need to make it, defrost it, cut it or waste any of it as the Soft and Fluffy Wraps are the perfect size and are ready to go straight from the packet.

Christmas is always a busy time in our house and these Soft & Fluffy Wraps are the perfect solution for making cooking less stressful! Not only do they remove a whole bunch of steps, they letting you get on with getting the quiches cooked and on the table,

Get a head start on your Christmas baking and make a batch in advance. Store them in the freezer in an airtight container and then simply reheat in the oven when you are ready to serve.

In three simple steps you will have these quiches ready to go.


1 Packet Mission Foods Soft & Fluffy Wraps 12 packet (you will be using 6 – double the all other ingredients to make 12)
6 Large Eggs
½ Cup Cream
Salt and Pepper

Fillings –

50 gm Ham, diced
1 Tomato, diced
2 Button Mushrooms, diced
1 Eshallot Stalk, sliced
½ Cup Cheese Grated


  1. Spray a 6 hole muffin tray with cooking oil spray. Take a Soft & Fluffy Wrap and gently press into the muffin hole. It will make its own shape as you push it in to form the quiche shell. Repeat for the other 5 holes.Entertainers Individual Quiches Entertainers Individual Quiches
  2. Divide the filling evenly in each of the wraps. Whisk together the eggs, cream and salt and pepper to taste in a jug and pour over the filled wraps and top with a sprinkle of cheese.
  3. Place into a pre-heated 160 degree Celsius oven and bake for 30 minutes. They are ready when the tops start to become golden and the filling puffs up and bounces back when touched (it will reside once cooled).Entertainers Individual Quiches

Serve straight from the oven or the taste just as good served cold.

Makes 6

Press, fill and bake your way to these easy entertainers individual quiches that require minimal effort but produce a great result. Experiment with different fillings.

Looking for more quick entertaining options? Visit the Mission Foods Facebook Page, Pinterest and Website.

Entertainers Individual Quiches Entertainers Individual Quiches

This is a sponsored post for Mission Foods. Recipe, images and opinions expressed are all my own.


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4 Responses to Entertainers Individual Quiches

  1. Tanny January 12, 2016 at 3:01 pm #

    What cream is it

    • Amanda January 13, 2016 at 5:16 pm #

      It is thickened cream.

  2. Skye March 10, 2016 at 3:52 pm #

    I’ve done similar things with slices of bread but i will definitely try it with these,thanks:) Can i just point out (& you can hate me if you want) but they are spring onions shallots are the very small, round onions sometimes called french shallots

  3. Keryl October 19, 2019 at 9:54 am #

    We make these but with taco boats – full and mini size.. turns out great

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