Easy Chicken & Leek Pie

After watching The Great Australian Bake Off a couple of weeks ago I was inspired by their pie baking challenge. One of the contestants (who was eliminated) made her mums Chicken and Leek Pie. I was inspired to make my own Chicken and Leek Pie so sort for a recipe that was easy to prepare and also low in fat.  Leeks were great value at the fruit and vege shop last week at $1 each and I had some chicken breasts frozen, add some 97% fat free Filo pastry and some flavourings and I was underway.

This is a perfect pie to prepare the filling in advance and either keep in the fridge to use the following night or freeze for a perfect mid week meal.

1 Large Chicken Breast, approx 400gram, cubed
1 Leek, sliced finely
1 Tbs Garlic, minced
500ml Chicken Stock
1/2 Cup Plain Flour
1 Tbs Wholegrain Seeded Mustard
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
6-8 Sheets Filo Pastry
1. in a large pot over a medium to high heat, add the olive and bring to heat then add the leeks and minced garlic. Sauté stirring frequently until they soften. 
2. Coat the chicken breasts in the plain flour and salt and pepper and add to the leeks. Cook over a medium heat stirring frequently for approx 1-2 minutes.
3. Slowly add the chicken stock, stirring while adding. The mixture should start to thicken. Finally add the Wholegrain seeded mustard and stir through, leave on the heat for a further 5 mins then remove from the heat.
4. You now place into a baking dish and top with scrunched Filo and bake in a 180 degree Celcius oven for approx 15 minutes or until the Filo in golden and crunchy.

If you are preparing to eat another night, place into an airtight container and place in the fridge. When ready to use bring the mixture out of the fridge and allow to get to room temperature. And continue from step 4.
Freezer Friendly: Once cooled place in either a zip lock bag or freezer proof container. When ready to use defrost and continue from step 4.
Serves 4
The children will love the crunchy Filo and the sweet chicken filling a win win meal for the family.

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2 Responses to Easy Chicken & Leek Pie

  1. Christine Alexander July 1, 2014 at 9:08 am #

    love the look of the crunchy pasty, would appeal to the kids

    • Amanda July 1, 2014 at 2:41 pm #

      It’s the best part 🙂 The kids love the crunch of it and I loved not having to roll pastry.

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