Easter Inspiration

Wasn’t it just yesterday that we celebrated Christmas? How can the year possibly be going so fast? It’s Easter already and this year my youngest shares his 3rd Birthday with Easter Monday so it is going to be a busy time. This year luckily we don’t have to make an Easter parade hat for kindy as they have made them while at kindy. I also think that it’s a nice that all the children will be wearing hats they made themselves and are the same as each other.

I have been searching through Pinterest for the past month looking for some really easy and fun ideas for Easter baking and crafts and thought I would share some of the ideas I really liked and will be trying to make over the coming week, as well as getting ready for Birthday celebrations where the Mr has changed his mind from a Truck cake to a Triceratops cake!!
Here are some great ideas to make with the kiddos this coming week….
Chocolate Spoons
Plant Jelly Beans at Night, Grow into Lollipops the next Morning
Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/264093965623419277/
Bunny Pancakes
Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/264093965623419269/
Marshmallow Bark
Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/264093965623409152/
Greek Easter Biscuits
Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/264093965623459675/
Hot Cross Bun Pudding – great for old hot cross buns
Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/264093965621223906/
Painting With Plastic Easter Eggs
What are you making for Easter this year?
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