The boys have both started to bring home artwork from Kindy in the last few weeks meaning the fridge was starting build up with their masterpieces.

Having the clutter on the fridge started to get to me, they would fall off, the kids would pull them off and they would be layered on top of each other meaning I couldn’t see all their lovely work.

I had a nice free wall space next to the fridge that was calling for some love…. And love it has received it is now the new place for the children’s artwork to be displayed.

A trip to Ikea this morning led me to these $3.99 photos frames. The insert is plastic not glass hence the price but doesn’t distract fro the look. They come in a few colours, from memory blue, red, yellow, black and white.

After measuring and hammering in some picture hooks I took the backs off the frames. Removed the plastic protection coating from both sides, I kept the inside piece of paper and flipped it over to the white side. I then payed the artwork out onto the photo frame, layer the paper white side facing down and replaced the backing and viola perfect frames for the children’s artwork.

When new artwork comes home I can simply take the frames down and replace with the new artwork. I will never get tired of the pictures in these frames.

Now my fridge is decluttered and and I have some lovely artwork by my littlies to admire.

All for $8 and such a perfect solution to a little problem in my kitchen.

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