Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake

Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake

On a Sunday we love to roast a cut of meat and it is usually chicken as we all enjoy it.  This week I decided to do something a little different with the chicken.  I cut the chicken down into pieces (legs, wings, things and breast) and used a favourite – D’Orsogna Deli Fresh Mild Salami to cover the chicken pieces.  This did two things; it helped the chicken remain moist and it also added a bucket load of flavour into the chicken with minimal effort.  You can find the salami in the fridge section of Woolworths.

Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake

I then cooked the salami chicken with vegetables to make an easy tray bake dinner that was low on dishes, high or flavour and required minimal effort – just what is called for on a Sunday evening.

During the cooking process the salami shrinks and sticks to the chicken for a salami crust, this is a great dish to serve when friends come around as it looks like you have gone to a lot of effort, when really you haven’t (but you won’t tell them that).


8 Chicken Pieces (I cut down a whole chicken into 8 pieces)
1 Packet D’Orsogna Deli Fresh Mild Salami (contains 8 slices)
3 Small Sweet Potatoes (or 2 medium), peeled and sliced
1 Cup Chicken Stock
Olive Oil
Salt and pepper
1 Cup Frozen Peas
1 Small Head Broccoli, broken into florettes


1. Place the chicken pieces into a lined baking dish.  Lay a slice of the D’Orsogna Mild Salami over each piece of chicken and press down.

Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake

2.  Add the sweet potato, season with salt and pepper.  Pour in the chicken stock and drizzle a little olive oil over everything.

Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake

3. Place into a preheated 180 degree Celsius oven to cook for 30 minutes uncovered.  Remove and then cover with aluminum foil and cook for a further 20 minutes.

Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake

4. Add the peas and broccoli and cook uncovered for the final 20 minutes. Remove from the oven

Serve with gravy.

Serves 4-6

Store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three days.  Reheat in the microwave before eating.

Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake

This is a sponsored post for D’Orsogna. Find more recipes like this one visit the D’Orsogna Website and D’Orsogna Facebook Page.

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2 Responses to Chicken, Salami and Vegetable Tray Bake

  1. Kerry February 8, 2018 at 10:21 pm #

    I have a question do you add the veggies when you cover the dish with aluminum foil? So the total cook time is 50 mins right? I think my family is going to love this dish.

    • Amanda February 12, 2018 at 10:29 am #

      They go in the final 20 minutes so total cook time is 50 minutes.

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