Again on my quest to increase the nutritional content of the foods I make for my boys I finally got around to experimenting with chickpeas in cookies. I like to always use what I have in my pantry and I very rarely buy expensive specific foods to cook or bake with as it all adds […]
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Slow Cooked Beef, Quinoa & Lentil Porcupine Balls in Tomato Sauce
This is a nutrient packed version of the traditional porcupine balls which traditionally uses rice. Quinoa and lentils are packed into these beauties and go down a treat with the whole family. The simple yet tasty tomato sauce they cook in makes them super moist and also hides carrot in it making it a well balanced […]

No Added Sugar Pumpkin & Date Gooey Cakes
I picked up a whole butternut pumpkin for 29cents a week ago and finally got a chance this weekend to make something yummy with it. I made a Roasted Pumpkin and Cannelloni Bean Soup (Recipe to come) and kept a 1/4 of the pumpkin back to steam and mash to make something sweet. I love […]

Homemade Hamburger Patties
When I was in high school I worked at Hungry Jacks and continued to work as a manager there while I went to uni, so you can say I have flipped a few burgers in my time. The burgers from fast food restaurants aren’t the healthiest choices you can make and I can say that […]

Easy Chocolate Custard
The boys love custard, they love yoghurt, they love milk actually they love anything that is drinkable. All of these however are very messy foods in our house. With two boys that never want to sit still I find myself chasing behind them with a wet cloth saying wipe your hands, clean your face, wipe […]

Zucchini & Chocolate Muffins
What kid doesn’t love chocolate cake? I know my nearly 4 year old loudly proclaimed when he saw these come out of the oven “Chocolate Cake my favourite, I love chocolate cake”. As parents we are always on the look out for ways to get a little extra vegetables into their diets as most littles […]

Cauliflower Soup and how to use it as a White Sauce for Pasta Bakes
Eat Seasonal is one of the biggest tips people will give you when you want to save money on your grocery bill. Well I did exactly that this week. A whole Cauliflower for $1.70 is totally great value. When you buy a Cauliflower in season you are not only getting great value, you are also […]

These are perfect for the small and big people in your home. The advantage of being able to hide some vege makes this a perfect quick meal that is still nutritious and tasty. INGREDIENTS 1 Large Chicken Breast, cut into thin 10cm finger strips1/2 Zucchini, peeled and grated1/2 Cup Grated ParmesanFilo pastry Optional: Try adding […]

This is such a quick and healthy way to make crunchy chicken nuggets in the oven. The use of Polenta to coat makes them gluten free and using the Natural Greek Yoghurt to stick the polenta to the chicken makes them egg free. INGREDIENTS 1 Large chicken Breast, cubed into bite sized pieces1 Cup Natural […]