We are having a lovely Labour Day Public Holiday at home today. With predicted temps of 36 degrees Celcius today, a day at home in the kiddy pool and a BBQ was in order. The boys and enjoyed a splash in the kiddy pool which I popped the beach sun shade over. We cooked some […]
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Dinosaur Themed Party
For well over year Mr turning 4 (who is now 4) has been obsessed with dinosaurs therefore the theme of his 4th birthday party was a given and what a great theme it was to work with. This was the first year we had a few friends from Kindy come to our house to celebrate […]

Easy Purple Carrot Cake
I love trying new ingredients and purple carrots was recently one of them. They were a ridiculously good price at my local fruit and vege shop a few weeks back so I grabbed a bag. We ate them roasted and they were delicious but with the last two I decided to try a purple carrot […]

Low Fat Lemon Cheesecake
I dedicate this recipe to my dad and what perfect timing it is with Father’s Day only days away. Last weekend I cooked my parents a roast dinner and surprised Dad with his all time favourite dessert – Lemon Cheesecake. The history of my lemon cheesecake making when I was a lot younger reads something […]

Easy Mixed Berry Muffins
You definitely know its Strawberry season when the prices start to drop. My boys are really enjoying the strawberries this season and on the weekend we stocked up. We may have bought a bit more then we could eat before they weren’t of eating quality so before this happened I revisited my Easy Homemade Strawberry […]

No Added Sugar Pumpkin & Date Gooey Cakes
I picked up a whole butternut pumpkin for 29cents a week ago and finally got a chance this weekend to make something yummy with it. I made a Roasted Pumpkin and Cannelloni Bean Soup (Recipe to come) and kept a 1/4 of the pumpkin back to steam and mash to make something sweet. I love […]

Chocolate Spread Made From Chickpeas
Who doesn’t love Nutella? I know my boys are loving it a bit too much at the moment as it is the top requested breakfast toast topping with Vegemite a close second. They are eating it in the morning so they have plenty of time to burn of the energy they get from Nutella which […]

No Added Sugar Banana Muffins
If I searched Banana on the blog I would probably find I have many banana bread, muffins and cake recipes and the reason is I am continually tweaking my banana recipes whenever I have those brown mushy bananas that need using up. This recipe really benefits from those really really overripe brown bananas as there […]

Basic Muffin Recipe with 100’s & 1000’s on the Inside
My boys love icing and what kid doesn’t? Unfortunately that means I am usually left with a muffin that only has the top bitten off and the rest is deemed not worthy to be eaten by the kids as there is no icing. To solve this little dilemma I decided to put the 100’s and […]