The weather is definitely heating up now that we are nearly two weeks into Summer. The beautiful fresh Summer fruit is also hitting the shops at great prices which means we will be eating lots this Summer and finding new ways to make fruit interesting is on the agenda. These layered watermelon and yoghurt iceblocks […]
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Easy Ways To Add Chia Seeds into Your Families Diet – Pancakes & Pudding & Smoothie
On Facebook over the weekend I posted two recipes in which I used Chia Seeds in. They received a great response but also a few questions were asked about Chia Seeds. I’m not an expert on them but I know a few basic facts that I learnt when googling them originally a few months back […]

Minty Christmas Swiss Roll
Don’t you just love it when you have one of those brain wave moments (which are far and few between) and think why not give that a go. That’s exactly how this festive dessert was created. Take a Swiss roll recipe, add some festive colour (sorry it’s not natural colouring but you can use that […]

Christmas: Fruit & Nut Blondies Gift Jar
If you are stuck for an a Christmas gift idea for a school teacher, that someone that has everything then this gift jar filled with all the dry ingredients to make Fruit & Nut Blondie’s is a lovely idea. The recipe is very versatile so you could quite easily change the fruit and nuts for […]

Easy Fish Birthday Cake
It was hubby’s birthday on the weekend and he loves fishing as do the two boys, so as per the request of Mr 4 I made a Fish Birthday Cake. This is a really easy cake to put together and took about 20 minutes to cut, ice and decorate. I used 2 packets of home […]

Choc & Date Top Biscuit
Recently I had bought a packet of Snack Right biscuits before work so I could have a little something to enjoy for morning tea. The three layer biscuit made of a crunchy flaky base, fruit layer and then chocolate layer seemed quite appealing and they tasted pretty good too. While eating the biscuit I thought […]

Halloween Biscuits
As a family we aren’t big on celebrating Halloween. The boys go to Kindy the day Halloween falls on and they can dress up on that day. I think Mr 2.5 will go as a Pirate and Mr 4 will go as a Doctor (he recently asked for a doctors costume which I got from […]

Sticky Date & Chocolate Brownies (Dairy & Refined Sugar Free)
I have a pile of books in my garage that I had all good intentions of taking to Lifeline when we moved house three years ago, well that hasn’t happened and yesterday this book caught my eye when getting in the car. I remember buying it in my early 20’s from the sale pile at […]

Easy Chocolate Chickpea Cookies
Again on my quest to increase the nutritional content of the foods I make for my boys I finally got around to experimenting with chickpeas in cookies. I like to always use what I have in my pantry and I very rarely buy expensive specific foods to cook or bake with as it all adds […]