Coffee that little word that gives me some sort of reprieve each morning, whether I’m drinking it in a thermo cup on the way to work or sitting down outside watching the boys play, it gives me a moment to just relax. I have had a long history with coffee which I will shorten for […]
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Review: Dyson Digital Slim™ DC59 Vacuum helps reduce my “MumStress”Levels
As busy mum’s we are the queens of multitasking and taking on too much, so when the opportunity came to make something in my life easier I got excited about adapting it into my life. The Dyson Digital Slim is one of those opportunities that I have been able to test run in my daily […]

Review – Bionade 100% Certified Organic and 40% Less Sugar
I was lucky enough to be sent a box of Bionade to review last month. It was enjoyed at Mr 4’s birthday and received many great comments from the adult guests. So what is Bionade? Bionade is 100% Certified Organic, made from raw materials non-alcoholic drink although brewed similarly. The best part is that it […]

Ideas For a Family Packed Lunch & A Day at The Brisbane Museum
Family time is precious and when we have a day when we all don’t have work or Kindy we like to get out of the house and experience different things. Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul I was lucky enough to be given passes to see the new Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures from the […]

Kambrook Power Drive Direct Food Processor – My Extra Hand In The Kitchen – Review & Giveaway
Do you have an appliance in the kitchen that you just can’t do without? For me it has to be a food processor. They are such a versatile appliance that really gives you that extra hand in the kitchen. If I had a big enough kitchen this would live on my bench as it is […]

Water Buddies Review + Giveaway (Closed) + Farm Animal Fun
We are having the most perfect Winter weather on the Gold Coast at the moment, blue clear sky’s and even reaching temps of 23 in the middle of the day (where has Winter gone?). This morning the boys and I were out early for a walk to one of the little local shops approx 4km […]