On a Monday I love to make a big dish of something that I know we can eat for a couple of meals during the week, and one of my favourite dishes to make is lasagna. This beef and bacon version is so full of flavour it will leave you craving for more. I have […]
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Beef and Bacon Lasagna

Beef Strip Bolognese
This beef strip bolognese is a delicious variation to the standard ground beef version. I decided to use beef strips as it was requested by Mr 8. He wanted spaghetti with beef strips we had used before. Mr 8 likes to cook in the kitchen with me to make dinner. His specialty is stir fry. […]

Nasi Goreng
On a Friday night I have extra time in the afternoon to make a dinner that is a little bit more elaborant or special. This Friday for Friday night fakeaway I decided to try my hand at Nasi Goreng. I love Chinese dishes and this was one I have wanted to re-create at home for […]

Chicken Basil Pesto Risotto
This Chicken Basil Pesto Risotto is an ideal dish for mid-week dinners. It is quick and easy and most importantly it tastes amazing. The kids even love this dish which makes it a winner winner chicken dinner. You can add more vegetables to this meal as well. Other vegetables to include are peas, corn, grated […]

Slow Cooker Satay Beef
Even though the weather is still quite warm, I remind myself how much easier it is to plan a slow cooker meal once a week especially on a work night when we are home later, all a littler hungrier. This slow cooker satay beef is thick and delicious and was enjoyed by the whole family. […]

Honey, Soy and Garlic Chicken with Soba Noodles
I love a mid-week stir fry that’s packed full of flavour and quick and easy to prepare and make. The chicken is marinated in the honey, soy and garlic mix which also has bicarbonate soda added. The bicarbonate soda works on breaking down the chicken so that when you eat it, it is nice and […]

30 Minute Vegetable Curry
While the prospect of an all vegetable meal wasn’t something my husband was excited about when I told him what was for dinner, I on the hand was excited as I had a bunch of vegetables that need to be eaten before the fruit and vegetable delivery came the next day and this seemed like […]

Easy and Tasty Potato Bake
We had family and friends over for a BBQ on the weekend and one of the side dishes was potato bake. I love the simplicity of a potato bake, which makes it perfect for entertaining. I prepped the dish to the step prior to placing in the oven (so all the work was done before […]

Baked Salsa Chicken
I had been thinking of making this salsa chicken for a couple of weeks now, but ended up eating the salsa I had in the cupboard with corn chips so I had to buy another jar hahaha. The dish lived up to my expectations. The flavour of the salsa grabbed onto and infused the chicken […]