This recipe will only work with a can of pure coconut cream 100%. I used the Ayam brand as this was the only pure coconut cream option in my supermarket. All the other coconut creams which were a lot cheaper were only 65-68% coconut cream. INGREDIENTS 1 Can 400gm Pure Coconut Cream, chilled for 24 […]
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Three Ingredient Dairy Free Chocolate Mousse

Coconut and Lemon Bliss Balls
You know it’s citrus season when your kitchen becomes overrun by lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits that have been given to you by friends and customers of my husband. They are full of flavour and lovingly home grown. To use them up I have been making something with them each week. Last week I made […]

Lemon Pie Bites
My fruit bowl is overflowing with lemons as my husbands lovely clients have been passing on their lovely homegrown ones. Last week I made my One Bowl Lemon Loaf, this week I experiment with this Lemon Pie Bite recipe and it’s a winner. Tangy, creamy and just the right amount of sweetness – just like […]

No Bake Chocolate Weet-Bix Slice
This is another great recipe using Weet-Bix that is no bake and the perfect addition to the lunchbox. INGREDIENTS 5 Weetbix 1 Cup Dates, pitted 1/2 Cup Sultana and Seed Mix 1/2 Cup Desiccated Coconut 4 Tbs Cocoa 2 Tbs Honey 2 Tbs Water 100gm Dark Chocolate, melted LET’S PUT IT ALL TOGETHER 1. Using […]

Weet-Bix Bliss Balls
I haven’t added to my Bliss Ball recipe collection in sometime. After emptying our cereal collection into my new containers I had the crumbs of the Weet-Bix let in the packet. Instead of wasting them I went through my ingredients and came up with a simple yet tasty and nutritious bliss ball recipe. These are […]

Gluten Free Pesto and Ham Lunchbox Scrolls
I have had a lot of requests about gluten free scrolls so I decided it was time to make some. While my family isn’t gluten free, family and friends are and I like to be able to accommodate their dietary needs when they are over for a BBQ or birthday party. Gluten free dough can […]

Gluten Free Ham and Zucchini Muffins
Adding to my collection of Gluten Free recipes with these Ham and Zucchini Muffins. This is a simple one bowl hand mix recipe. Find more great Lunchbox recipes like this one in my new 2019 School Lunchbox Sunday Magazine Add to cart I am using my favourite D’Orsogna Sweet Honey Leg Ham which is gluten […]

Healthier Cherry Ripe Slice
If you are anything like me then you love a good chocolate fix but your hips don’t. I have been resisting the urge to give into my chocolate cravings but sometimes you just need a little bit of chocolate to get you through. This Healthier Cherry Ripe Slice is a great alternative to the really […]

Flourless Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookies
These would have to be the simplest cookies I have made. There is no melting, no appliances and only six ingredients. You will most likely already have these six ingredients in your pantry already. But be warned, they are super addictive. They are crunchy and chewy all in one – making them a little to […]