Breadcrumb Banana Cake

Breadcrumb Banana Cake

I love getting creative with what I have on hand and I also love minimising food waste which means I sometimes throw weird combinations together and cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Sometimes they are a complete disaster other times they work and I get a little excited about what I have created.

This breadcrumb banana cake replaces flour with fresh breadcrumbs, yes you have read that right – no flour – but fresh breadcrumbs.  I had a quarter of a loaf of bread left that was a couple of days old, I normally put it in the fridge and the boys take it to feed fish on the weekend.  This time I decided to pop it into a food processor to make fresh breadcrumbs and then I had a brain wave to use it in a cake.

That’s how this crazy combination was made.  It creates a lovely dense cake and soft on the inside and the extra breadcrumb and sugar on top create a crunch.

Try it with gluten free bread.


3 Medium Overripe Bananas

2 Eggs

2/3 Cup Raw Sugar

3 Tbs Sunflower Oil (or similar – not olive oil as the flavour is too strong)

1 Tsp Vanilla Essence

2 Cups Fresh breadcrumbs (I used white bread)

1 Tsp Baking Powder

Extra breadrumbs and sugar to sprinkle on the top


  1. Using a food processor or thermo style appliance, process about 3-4 pieces of bread to make a breadcrumb.  Remove from the bowl and set aside.
  2. Place the bananas, eggs, sugar, oil and vanilla essence into the bowl of the food processor, thermo style appliance of mixer and process until combined and a pale colour (about 1 minute).
  3. Add the fresh breadcrumbs and baking powder and mix until combined.Breadcrumb Banana Cake
  4. Pour into a lined 20cm square baking dish.  Sprinkle extra breadcrumbs and raw sugar on top and then place into a preheated 180 degree Celsius oven for approximately 45 minutes.  It is cooked when it bounces back when touched.Breadcrumb Banana Cake

Allow to cool completely before transferring from the pan and cutting into slices.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Makes 16 slices

Breadcrumb Banana Cake Breadcrumb Banana Cake Breadcrumb Banana Cake

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