This pas Sunday’s School Lunchbox Sunday baking led me to making this Chocolate, Banana and Zucchini loaf. I had half a zucchini that needed to be used up so I thought why not grate it up and add it in. The zucchini is untraceable in the loaf and adds to the moisture of the cake […]

Chocolate, Banana and Zucchini Loaf

A Vegetable Sauce to Jazz up Store Bought Ravioli
My son’s are big fans of ravioli and would happily have it every week if they could. As a happy medium we have two times a month, so every second week and I made a vegetable sauce to give the ravioli a boost of the good stuff. The best thing about this sauce is that […]

Mexican Chorizo Rice – 15 Minute Dinner
Mexican Chorizo Rice is a great meal to have during the week. With a few time saving ingredients this meal is on the table in 15 minutes and better still, there is only one pan to wash up. I am using D’Orsogna’s NEW Mini Chorizo found at the Deli of your local Woolworths. They a […]

Meal Plan Monday #2
Meal Plan Monday number 2 is ready and waiting. Note: While my plan is Monday to Friday, I do my grocery shopping on a Friday so I actually start my week on a Friday for meals. This is why I have a leftover roast pork meal on the Tuesday as I cooked the roast on […]

No Bake Chocolate Weet-Bix Slice
This is another great recipe using Weet-Bix that is no bake and the perfect addition to the lunchbox. INGREDIENTS 5 Weetbix 1 Cup Dates, pitted 1/2 Cup Sultana and Seed Mix 1/2 Cup Desiccated Coconut 4 Tbs Cocoa 2 Tbs Honey 2 Tbs Water 100gm Dark Chocolate, melted LET’S PUT IT ALL TOGETHER 1. Using […]

Meal Plan Monday #1
This year I am bringing back meal plan Monday. After asking on Instagram about meal planning, I sensed that a lot of you would like to do it, but it can all seem a bit daunting or your don’t know where to start. For me, it needed to become a habit. I needed to do […]

Weet-Bix Bliss Balls
I haven’t added to my Bliss Ball recipe collection in sometime. After emptying our cereal collection into my new containers I had the crumbs of the Weet-Bix let in the packet. Instead of wasting them I went through my ingredients and came up with a simple yet tasty and nutritious bliss ball recipe. These are […]

Gluten Free Pesto and Ham Lunchbox Scrolls
I have had a lot of requests about gluten free scrolls so I decided it was time to make some. While my family isn’t gluten free, family and friends are and I like to be able to accommodate their dietary needs when they are over for a BBQ or birthday party. Gluten free dough can […]

Gluten Free Ham and Zucchini Muffins
Adding to my collection of Gluten Free recipes with these Ham and Zucchini Muffins. This is a simple one bowl hand mix recipe. Find more great Lunchbox recipes like this one in my new 2019 School Lunchbox Sunday Magazine Add to cart I am using my favourite D’Orsogna Sweet Honey Leg Ham which is gluten […]