This beef strip bolognese is a delicious variation to the standard ground beef version. I decided to use beef strips as it was requested by Mr 8. He wanted spaghetti with beef strips we had used before. Mr 8 likes to cook in the kitchen with me to make dinner. His specialty is stir fry. […]

Beef Strip Bolognese

Nasi Goreng
On a Friday night I have extra time in the afternoon to make a dinner that is a little bit more elaborant or special. This Friday for Friday night fakeaway I decided to try my hand at Nasi Goreng. I love Chinese dishes and this was one I have wanted to re-create at home for […]

Chicken Basil Pesto Risotto
This Chicken Basil Pesto Risotto is an ideal dish for mid-week dinners. It is quick and easy and most importantly it tastes amazing. The kids even love this dish which makes it a winner winner chicken dinner. You can add more vegetables to this meal as well. Other vegetables to include are peas, corn, grated […]

Slow Cooker Satay Beef
Even though the weather is still quite warm, I remind myself how much easier it is to plan a slow cooker meal once a week especially on a work night when we are home later, all a littler hungrier. This slow cooker satay beef is thick and delicious and was enjoyed by the whole family. […]

Pizza Damper
This is where an Italian classic combines with an Aussie favourite to make something extra delicious. All your favourite pizza flavours combined into a damper mix making the perfectly easy lunchbox filler or side dish to a main meal. I am using my favourite D’Orsogna Deli Fresh Mild Salami (found in the fridge section of […]

No Bake Apricot and Choc Chip Slice
No bake slices get a big tick from me, especially when you don’t feel like heating the kitchen up or are short on time. This no bake apricot slice with added choc chips is such an easy lunchbox friendly filler to make on a Sunday and send through the week. Find more great lunchbox recipes […]

Bacon, Zucchini and Basil Pesto Muffins for the Lunchbox
Savoury muffins are great alternative to sandwiches in the lunchbox. They can be made on a SUnday and then frozen for the weeks ahead. This recipe makes a nice big bath of 16 and is full of flavour that the kids love. The addition of zucchini is a bonus to getting more veggies into their […]

Top 10 Recipes of 2017
Happy new year!!! This year sees Cooking For Busy Mums enter it’s 8th year and wow I can’t believe that my little project to fill in those breastfeeding hours has turned into what it is today. This year I took a little step back from taking on to much sponsored work and focused on engaging […]

Lamington Trifle
A few weeks ago I had a vision of what I wanted my trifle to look like this year and this was it. A Lamington Trifle. It is filled with lamington fingers, mini jam rolls, custard, three types of jelly, cream, raspberries and topped with dried INGREDIENTS 2 Packets Lamington Fingers 1 Packet Mini Jam […]