The Best Breakfast Banana Smoothie to Start Your Day

The Best Breakfast Banana Smoothie to Start Your Day

Yesterday I made the announcement that I have just embarked on a long term partnership with Dairy Australia, which is super exciting and fabulous for this little blog of mine.

My first challenge that was set for me was to share how we start our day with dairy.

Dairy especially milk plays a big role in our morning routine. I enjoy it in a cup of tea or coffee, poured over a bowl of muesli or in my overnight oats. The boys start each day (by request) with a Banana Smoothie.

This banana smoothie isn’t any ordinary banana smoothie, it is a complete meal banana smoothie that fills their little tummies up with all the good things they need to get their day going. You can easily blend this up in under a minute, so it’s great for when you are in a hurry and might have to drink in on the way to school or work.

The Best Breakfast Banana Smoothie


Serves 1

1 Ripe Banana (fresh or frozen)

300 ml Milk
1 Weet Bix
1 Tbs Honey
Optional: 1 tsp Chia Seeds, 1 tsp cinnamon


  1. In a blender place all the ingredients, blend until well combined.
  2. Pour into a glass or container with a lid.


The Best Breakfast Banana Smoothie to Start Your Day

That is how we start our days with dairy, how do you start your day?

For more Legendairy information jump over to the website.

Like the Legendairy and The Dairy Kitchen Facebook Page too, to stay up to date with the latest dairy information, family friendly dairy recipes, industry news and the latest promo

This is a sponsored post for Legendairy, recipe and photos are my own.

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7 Responses to The Best Breakfast Banana Smoothie to Start Your Day

  1. Luciana June 23, 2015 at 9:46 pm #

    Our son loves it!, thanks for sharing

  2. Tammy October 15, 2015 at 8:16 am #

    What’s weet bix?

    • Amanda October 15, 2015 at 2:51 pm #

      It is a cereal here in Australia.

  3. Julie January 27, 2016 at 7:57 am #

    I use 1/3 cup rolled oats. Much nicer flavour than weetbix. You must have a powerful blender to break down the cereal so it is blended so fine they don’t know it’s there. I noticed a massive difference changing from my $30 blender to a $200 Nutri Ninja blender. A teaspoon of cinnamon is too much, but a pinch of cinnamon is perfect. I throw some ice cubes in my travel mug to keep it cool until I get to the car. Peel your bananas first before you freeze them, then throw them in frozen if you have a powerful blender. Tastes amazing.

  4. Sheree October 3, 2016 at 9:06 pm #

    My daughter doses not like bananas what other fruit coukd i use to make a breakfast drink like this?

    • Amanda October 7, 2016 at 3:54 pm #

      You can use any berry.

    • Amanda October 7, 2016 at 3:55 pm #

      You can use berries.

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