LessonBuzz App review

Add some Buzz to the kids afternoon

This is a sponsored post for LessonBuzz. LessonBuzz is an educational literacy iPad program for children aged 4-13, it is available to download as apps for the iPad/iPhone and for schools to purchase as an in-classroom resource.

My boys who are now 5 and 6 and in years Prep and Year 1 respectively, are at a major growth period with their learning.  They are both interested in learning and always asking question about how to spell something, what does 120 + 120 make, you know the types of questions that means their little brains are ticking over and they want to learn everything that they can.

They also enjoy playing games on their iPads, some educational and some not so much (Dragon City ring a bell?).  I believe that their is no point in keeping them sheltered from technology for they are going to be learning in an environment that is only going to continue growing in the use of techonology.

Because they enjoy their downtime playing on their iPads I have harnessed this enthusiasm and ensured that they have educational apps on their iPads for them to grow during this crazy learning spurt they are going through and will continue to go through for sometime.  After school they are allowed downtime which normally entails afternoon tea, iPad play and then outside play before bath and dinner and their school homework (which is only about 10 minutes each weeknight).

The past couple of weeks the boys have been enjoying LessonBuzz while eating their afternoon tea when we are home early on the days I don’t work or after they do their homework in the evening.  They spend 10 minutes between the four apps for Writing, Reading, Language and Spelling.  We started on Kindy for Mr 5 and Level 1 for Mr 6.  The apps a super easy for the littlies to use with the directions being spoken so they know exactly what to do. It guides them through the level and rewards them at the end when they complete it.  They both like this the most, the encouragement for completing each level encourages them to continue to the next and they feel quite proud of themselves.  The kids absolutely love playing and learning from the four different apps.

LessonBuzz is a great supplementation to what they are learning at school and with only 3 x 10 minute sessions each week (recommended) you will see growth in their normal school work.  I am so happy that we have found LessonBuzz and I look forward to continuing through the levels as they boys progress.

I  have one bundle of the four apps for your chosen level to win, hop on over to Facebook to enter.

Here are some ideas for easy to eat afternoon teas that they can munch on while learning.

Chocolate Chip Pikelets

Choc Chip Pikelets

Date and Apple Bliss Balls

Dae and Apple Bliss Balls

Pizza Muffins


Topped Rice Cakes

20 Rice Cake Toppings for the Lunchbox


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