4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls

4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls

I have come up with a sneaky little way to make breakfast for a crowd (or your family which feels like a crowd sometimes) that requires no dishes and you can make as many as you can fit in your oven at once.  These 4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls will become a family favourite for Sunday breakfast.  They are also ideal to have baking while you are getting ready in the morning and you can take them with you and eat when you arrive at work, the kids can have them on the way to schoo

I am using the D’Orsogna 400gm Value Pack Leg Ham which is a weekly shop staple.  I love that it is packaged into two separate packets which helps to eliminate spoilage if we don’t eat it all in consequtive days.  Also, this has been reduced to an everyday price of $5 at Woolworths which makes it extremely good value for money.

4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls


D’Orsogna 400gm Value Pack Leg Ham – you will need 2 slices per roll

4 Wholemeal Bread Rolls

4 Eggs (700g)

1 Cup Grated Cheese


1. Using a sharp knife cut a circle in the top of the bread roll.  Remove the little “cap” and then instead of removing the filling press it down on the bottom and the sides. Repeat for each roll.

4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls

2. Place two slices of D’Orsogana Leg Ham into the bread roll.  The ham will act as a barrier between the bread roll and the egg so make sure there are no gaps. Place onto to aluminium foil. Repeat for each roll.

4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls

3. Crack the egg into the ham in the bread roll.  Top with grated cheese. Replace the bread cap and then wrap in the aluminium foil.  Repeat for each roll.  Place into a preheated 200 degree celcius oven (you can place them straight onto the oven rack) for 15 minutes or until the egg white has set.

4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls 4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls 4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls

Serve with a sprinkling of parsley and season with salt and pepper if you wish.

Try different combinations by including baby spinach, mushrooms, onion, passata etc.

4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls 4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls 4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread RollsThis is a sponsored post for D’Orsogna. Find more breakfast recipes on the D’Orsogna Website and D’Orsogna Facebook Page.


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3 Responses to 4 Ingredient Ham, Egg and Cheese Baked Bread Rolls

  1. jane May 27, 2015 at 12:56 pm #

    I am the worst cook EVER …however i do try….and I tried this recipe last night….quick trip to the shops for bread rolls…..it was a hit !! thank you

    • Amanda May 28, 2015 at 7:48 am #

      That i so good to hear.

  2. Kristy October 11, 2015 at 9:33 am #

    I have some rolls leftover from hamburger night a few nights ago which need using. Yum yum yum!!!

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