Easily add the delicious custard flavour to a basic biscuit recipe by using custard powder. These are simple to make and yummy to eat. INGREDIENTS 100gm Butter, cubed and melted 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar 1/4 Cup White Sugar 1 Egg, large 1/2 Cup Custard Powder 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract 1 1/2 Cups Self Raising Flour […]
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Custard Biscuits

Three Ingredient Dairy Free Chocolate Mousse
This recipe will only work with a can of pure coconut cream 100%. I used the Ayam brand as this was the only pure coconut cream option in my supermarket. All the other coconut creams which were a lot cheaper were only 65-68% coconut cream. INGREDIENTS 1 Can 400gm Pure Coconut Cream, chilled for 24 […]

One Bowl Banana, Oat, Date and Choc Chips Muffins
Adding the rolled oats to these one bowl banana, oat and choc chip muffins really bulks them up and gives them more of a dense bread texture than a cake which makes it more filling. The dates add in extra natural sweetness and a fiber boost. This recipe is so simple all you need to […]

Chocolate Banana Muffins with White Chocolate Chips
Using overripe bananas has become a Sunday tradition. On a Friday I will stop at my local fruit and vege shop and grab the overripe banana trays that are only $1 ready to bake with them on Sunday. I vary between loafs and muffins and this week I found a packet of white chocolate buttons […]

Raspberry Pikelets
Deliciously light and fluffy with the lovely tangy you get from fresh raspberries as you bite through to the centre. You can enjoy them as they are or spread a little butter on top. Great eaten warm or cold and the perfect addition to the lunchbox. INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 Cups Self Raising Flour 1/2 Tsp […]

Coconut and Lemon Bliss Balls
You know it’s citrus season when your kitchen becomes overrun by lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits that have been given to you by friends and customers of my husband. They are full of flavour and lovingly home grown. To use them up I have been making something with them each week. Last week I made […]

Lemon Pie Bites
My fruit bowl is overflowing with lemons as my husbands lovely clients have been passing on their lovely homegrown ones. Last week I made my One Bowl Lemon Loaf, this week I experiment with this Lemon Pie Bite recipe and it’s a winner. Tangy, creamy and just the right amount of sweetness – just like […]

White Chocolate Banana Bread with Chia Seeds and Almonds
My banana bread baking has been a little obsessive of late. I may of baked a couple of loaves every weekend for the pass month (oops), but everyone loves it and there are so many variations that you can make. This weekend I made White Chocolate Banana Bread with Chia Seeds and Almonds. I did […]

Chocolate, Banana and Zucchini Loaf
This pas Sunday’s School Lunchbox Sunday baking led me to making this Chocolate, Banana and Zucchini loaf. I had half a zucchini that needed to be used up so I thought why not grate it up and add it in. The zucchini is untraceable in the loaf and adds to the moisture of the cake […]