Beef Brisket Pot Roast

I know that many of you find that cooking a Roast Beef is a bit of a hit a miss. It mostly turns out dry. I found this Beef Brisket Pot Roast as a new product at Coles last week (not sponsored) and thought I would give it a go.  It was a good price at $8.00 kg. The piece I cooked was 1.2kg and cost $9.74. This fed our little family of 4 perfectly. If you have a larger family you would need to cook two of these as they do shrink during the cooking process.

The back of the packet had cooking instructions which I read but then added some of my own flavour too.

Beef Brisket Pot Roast


1 Beef Brisket Pot Roast, packaged removed, string left on.
2 Tbs Olive Oil
1 Onion, diced
2 Garlic Cloves, sliced
2 Carrots, sliced thickly
4 Potatoes, cut into quarters
2 Bay Leaves
1 Tsp Fresh or dry Thyme
2 Cups Beef Stock or Water
Salt and Pepper
2 Handfuls of top and tailed Beans
1 Tbs Cornflour
2 Tbs Water


1. In a oven and stove proof roasting pot or casserole dish add the olive oil and place on the stove over a high heat. Once heated add the pot roast and brown on all sides. Season with salt and pepper as you turn.
2. Once browned add the onion, garlic, carrots and potatoes. Followed by the bay leaves, stock (or water) and thyme.

Beef Brisket Pot Roast
3. Bring to the boil and then cover and place in a 160 degree celcius oven and bake for 3 hours. Optional: turn the roast every hour (I didn’t do this and it was fine).
4. Remove the lid for the last 30 minutes and add the top and tailed beans.
5. Remove from the oven and allow to sit for 10 minutes before slicing.
6. To use the juices as gravy, remove the meat and vegetables from the baking dish. Place the baking dish over a medium to high heat on the stove top and add 1 tablespoon of cornflour dissolved in 2 tablespoons of water. Bring to a gently boil stirring constantly until it starts to thicken.

Enjoy with some crunchy bread.

Serves 4

Beef BRisket Pot Roast


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4 Responses to Beef Brisket Pot Roast

  1. Di June 23, 2014 at 7:19 am #

    Thanks for sharing your experience with the pot roast. I love the idea of them but have been dubious of the supermarket versions. Will definitely give this a try now.
    Cheers, Di

  2. Shari June 27, 2014 at 6:48 am #

    This looks delicious – I’m a big roaster in winter however I hardly ever do beef. I think I might have to try a beef roast this week. Stopping by from the #FFF link up – Shari from

  3. Jenny P June 28, 2014 at 5:28 pm #


    Growing up in UK 50/60’s we ate a lot of Brisket. Wonder why I could never buy here in Australia. I saw it in Coles, and have now cooked 2 in my Slow Cooker. You could do the same as oven version in the Slow Cooker, but I prefer to brown the beef all over then put it in the Slow Cooker on low for 6 – 7 hours depends on the size. The meat just falls to pieces and tastes wonderful.

    • Amanda June 29, 2014 at 5:17 am #

      Hi Jenny yes this could be done in the slower cooker with browning first 🙂 perfect for when your not home all day. Thanks for sharing.

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