Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree

Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree

Have a little fun with your dip plate this Christmas and turn it into an edible Christmas Tree.  Take the same principles of decorating a normal Christmas Tree and turn food into the decorations.

I had alot of fun putting this together, using my inner creativesness with food.  It would be fun for the kids to help with as well.

It is appealing to look at and your guests will be digging in as soon as it hits the table (I know this because hubby was already picking at as soon as the last photo was snapped).

I am using:

D’Orsogna Mild Chorizo Spanish Salami as the large baubles

D’Orsogna Cabanossi Bocconcini as the chain of balls

Sicilian Pitted Olives as baubles

Baby Cucumbers as the hanging ornaments

Grape Tomatoes as lights

Cherry Bocconcini as lights

Hommus for the tree

Sun-Dried Tomato Dip for the tree

Christmas Tree Shaped biscuits as the presents

Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree

To make the tree

1. Spread out the dip in the following pattern on a flat plate

Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree

2. Top with the D’orsogna Mild Chorizo Spanish Salami and Cabannosi

Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree

3. Add the remaining ingredients in random order and finishing off with the biscuits at the bottom.

Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree

Make it as big or as little as you like.

This is a sponsored post for D’Orsogna. Find more recipes like this one visit the D’Orsogna Website and D’Orsogna Facebook Page.

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One Response to Antipasto Dip Christmas Tree

  1. sharon December 17, 2015 at 5:13 am #

    That looks awesome

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